Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sleeping Baby

Sleeping Baby, originally uploaded by vadabostian.

Harrison and his mommy came by the studio today to have some pictures done. Poor little man didn't really feel like having a camera in his face (once he had woken up anyway) but we got some great shots while we could!

Thinking baby

Thinking baby, originally uploaded by vadabostian.

Mommy's Hand

Mommy's Hand, originally uploaded by vadabostian.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Seeking Couples for Wedding Photography

I am currently expanding my portfolio into wedding coverage, and am looking for a few couples to exchange inexpensive wedding photography for permission to have their images used on websites, promotional materials, etc.

If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact me at!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Beth's Maternity Portraits

I met with Beth on the last day of 2007 to do third trimester portraits as the first session in her First Year Collection. I say this every time, but there is something so wonderful about pregnant mommies that I can't really even put in to words.

We took advantage of the Mill being mostly empty for the holiday to sneak around and do some cool locations in and around the Nussbaum Center. If you ever see a photographer and a pregnant woman prowling around, it might be me (or one of the other great photographers in the building!)
